Don’t take our word for it. We have 1,000+ personal testimonials!
Join more than 70,000 families RapidVisa Legal has helped reunite in the U.S.

Not sure where to start? Give us a call to discuss the best strategy for you!

Our attorney-reviewed software completes the forms, checks applications for errors, and gives you a personalized document checklist

Our visa consultants, former consular officers, and in-house legal team have helped people travel to the U.S. from 190+ countries

Extensive support, a fixed, one-time fee, and a money-back guarantee

1 - USCIS Phase*

2 - NVC Phase*

3 - Embassy Phase*

*If applicable

“At RapidVisa Legal, we know that every journey to the U.S. is different. We take pride in helping to achieve a 99.97% success rate, and helping families reach their goal of starting a life together.”
- Gage Herbst, Managing Attorney, RapidVisa Legal
For 10+ years, we've helped 70,000+ people, in 190+ countries.